14 Actionable Copywriting Hacks to Get You out of a Funk

Will Lyth
5 min readFeb 28, 2018

People may assume professional writers spend their time daydreaming in their avant-garde apartments, drinking artisan coffee, waiting for the elusive creative spark to show up.

Maybe that’s the case for part-time copywriters or best-selling, multi-millionaire authors — but this cliche doesn’t fit the majority of copywriters making money…

If you’re paying your bills via travel blogging, copywriting or writing novels — you can’t wait for creativity or inspiration. You need to get up and write whether you’re feeling it or not.

So if you haven’t already… erase the hindering, cliche notion that creativity is a mysterious force that can only be grasped at specific periods in time — and there’s NOTHING you can do about it but to obey its mystical laws.

Believing that will only slow you down.

  • Get comfortable with the fact that some ideas are great while others are trash.
  • Accept that some mornings you’ll be itching to get writing and other days you won’t.
  • Know that the creativity, or whatever else you wish to call it, will show up once you get going.

I don’t twiddle my thumbs waiting for “Aha!” moments. I just research, write and edit. And some days are better than others (just…

