10 Things That EXHAUST Business Owners & Freelancers (…Until They Fix Them :-)

Will Lyth
9 min readJul 15, 2020

If a “make 6-figures living the laptop lifestyle?” YouTube ad plays in a forest and no one is around to hear it… does it make a sound?

Who knows. Anyway…

There’s something to be said for “don’t overthink it — just go freelance now. You’ll figure the rest out as you go.”


It’s just that figuring the rest out can drag on. There are many pitfalls for first-time freelancers to sleepwalk into. So let’s get into them…

1. Not knowing what “success” looks like

I’m guessing you became your own boss for more freedom, creative fulfilment, money, and to provide clients with as much value as possible — right? Me too. But what do YOU actually want? Because those are all vague.

What if everything went perfectly for the next 12 months — do you know what that looks like?

If not. Ask yourself:

  • How many hours do I want to work each week?
  • Who do I want to work with and why?

